Tax law can be very complex and confusing, especially if you’re not an expert in the field. To help you navigate the filing process and avoid making any costly mistakes, you may want to consider hiring the services of a tax law specialist who has the expertise to make sure your taxes are filed correctly and completely, saving you time and money in the long run.
Here are four reasons why you might want to get a tax law specialist rather than do it yourself.
1) The Word Specialist Says It All
When you work with a tax law specialist, you’re getting an expert. They know exactly how to handle your unique situation and can help you navigate everything from audits to payment extensions.
More importantly, they know exactly how to reduce your liability so that when tax season rolls around, you’re not dealing with massive fines or penalties. In many cases, working with an expert is better than doing it yourself.
2) Choose an Attorney Instead of an Accountant
While you can certainly do your own taxes, why take on all that work when you can outsource it to an expert? Not only will they know exactly what rules apply to your business and how to meet them, but they’ll also have contacts with other professional networks and resources in case something goes wrong.
For example, if you are audited or need legal advice. Working with an accountant can be valuable but they’re not going to be able to give you legal or industry-specific insights. And even if they could, working with them is generally more expensive than hiring an attorney outright.
Attorneys often offer flat rates for their services—and those rates are usually much lower than what accountants charge for similar service levels.
3) Beware of Newbies
There’s no shortage of tax prep firms. However, with new companies popping up every day, it can be difficult to determine who is legitimate and who isn’t.
Our attorneys at Dallo Law Group are experts in tax law and are passionate about helping people fight the IRS. We don’t just dabble in multiple areas of tax, we approach the situation directly to protect your property and your livelihood.
4) Get Personal Attention
Good tax laws may seem like little more than bureaucratese, but they determine your financial future. That’s why it’s worth investing in expert help and advice.
Smart tax specialists not only know how to use every loophole in their favor; we also have their ear to the ground on any legislation that might affect you and your bottom line. Visit our website at dallolawgroup.com to schedule a consultation today.